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Paige Rudin

Paige Rudin

2018 Boren Scholar


Carmel, IN


Multidisciplinary Engineering


College of Engineering / Honors College


Paige Rudin, a senior Honors College and Engineering student at Purdue University has earned a Boren Scholarship. Rudin traveled to Romania to study language and culture through a self-designed study abroad experience supported by her Boren funding.


The Carmel, IN native, is studying in the Honors College and College of Engineering while majoring in multidisciplinary engineering with a concentration in veterinary health engineering and a minor in global engineering studies. She plans to use the unique knowledge gained from her Boren experience to help develop public policy on preventing the transmission of diseases. While in Romania, Rudin will gain veterinary experience by studying with Romanian veterinarians.


Rudin already has experience in the prevention of communicable diseases. Through a service-learning project at Purdue, she worked with students at the University of Anténor Firmin in Cap-Haïtien, Haiti on best practices for water sanitization. She has also served as a National Defense University analyst, an intern for Purdue’s Internationally Genetically Engineered Machine team, and a design lead for Engineering Projects in Community Service.


Boren Scholarships provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. undergraduate students planning careers in the national security field to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to U.S. interests, and underrepresented in study abroad. These include Africa, Asia, Central, and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Students interested in prestigious scholarships are encouraged to work with Purdue’s National and International Scholarships Office (NISO). Additionally, students who accept Boren scholarships agree to work for the federal government and serve national security interests for at least one year following their return to the United States.


Read Paige's Boren Scholarship experience blog here.